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Learn about, Jesus,  the world's greatest teacher of moral ethics and his life. As a student of International Bible School you have the opportunity to to learn more about the BIBLE as God's message for you. It is a decision that will change your life.

Learn the answers you have been seeking to the meaning of life. Discover that a relationship to God has many different aspects: God as your Creator and Maker, Lord and Master, Judge, Redeemer, Father, Savior, and much more. But the most shocking truth is this: Almighty God yearns to be your Friend!

You will uncover these truths as you study the world's best-selling book at a pace you choose and in the privacy of your own home or where ever you choose. With the International Bible School lessons you have a personal one-to-one relationship with your teacher. You can ask all questions you want with the confidence of confidentiality.


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IBS used in Philippines
Lessons being used as part of new work in Kalibo.
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IBS reaches Muslims
White Fields uses IBS lessons as a way to help those seeking the Truth in Muslin nations.
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News from South India
Report on 2003 IBS-related activities in India.
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Lessons used in Mexico
The Petersons use IBS lessons in rehab center work.
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